I had some tome to kill whilst waiting for my car to be fixed, so I popped into Currys to look at computers. Currys are a major UK PC retailer, so you would expect some sound and knowledgeable advice from their staff!
I was looking at laptops when a sales person, whose badge identified him as a laptop specialist, asked if I needed any help?
I stated that I was just browsing, because I have just completed a new PC- which I added is a fast machine.
He enquired about its specs, and was surprised that it has two hard drives.
I said that one runs Linux and one FreeBSD.
He pulled a face and said that he did not like Linux.
I asked why?
He said that it was difficult to use.
Wondering why he had had problems, I asked why he had found Linux difficult to use?
He then stated that he had never actually used Linux!
Vote No Heathrow
6 years ago